The Explorer workspace shows all of the data in the database in a hierarchy that can be quickly browsed. This shows the hierarchy from a region to a signal on a cable.
Key Benefits of FiberBase™
Explorer Workspace – Hierarchically List Your Fiber Assets, from Map Regions to Signals on a Cable
In any size network, it is vital to have a complete listing of your equipment, where it is located, and what it is attached to. Whether copper or fiber, networks become complex very quickly. Adding systems like PacketLight’s new PL-2000 Multiprotocol/Multirate Sub-10G Muxponder (a highly specialized and complex network device), having a software management solution is essential.
Transport Topology – Perform Complex Queries on Your Network Infrastructure
Asset management is a core function of FiberBase, and impossible to accomplish without it. Using the Transport Topology Workspace, you can instantly identify which equipment is reachable by a particular signal. If you want to quickly ascertain which customers are being affected by a service interruption, or which equipment in your central office is outdated, FiberBase can tell you.
Locate Outages Quickly and Accurately from OTDR Traces
OTDRs are your primary tool for determining the integrity of a network, but unfortunately, OTDRs can’t tell the difference between a cable running up a pole or one that’s underground. Attempting to locate problems using manpower and multiple truck rolls is inefficient, time-consuming and expensive. With a properly mapped network, you’ll locate problems quickly – sometimes with a single OTDR scan. Minimizing labor, truck rolls and down-time saves you money and keeps customers happy, helping to turn them into repeat customers.
Integrate with Networking Monitoring Services
Network Monitoring Devices are an increasingly vital part of the industry. Because networks can now be continually monitored, problems can often be addressed before they become outages.
Network Monitoring Devices integrate seamlessly with a GIS map of a network, offering a level of precision that allows crews to go directly to the source of a problem instead of searching for it through repeated scans. By rapidly locating a problem, you’ll use fewer resources addressing.
FiberBase is an essential tool that manages your network, optimizes your workflow, saves you money, keeps your customers happy and guarantees control of every aspect of your network. Design, document, test and monitor – all with one product.